Eva Dahlgrens nya band

Tillsammans med systrarna Mija och Greta Folkesson ingår Eva Dahlgren numera i gruppen Budda Boys.
Låten som släpps idag heter ”Do me” och är en poppig sak med ”glimten i ögat”-text men som naturligtvis har en seriös underton. Låten kommer säkert att bli en radiofavorit och du kommer enkelt nynna med i den efter bara några lyssningar. Det kan vi lova!
Budda Boys album ”Lost peoples area” släpps den 7:e april.
Här följer texten till låten ”Do me”:

Do Me

It could be in the street
It could be in a bar
It could be in whatever car
It could be on a beach
It could be in the hall
It could be on the kitchen floor
It could be fast or slow
It could be beyond or below

It could be under trees
It could be in space
It could be in velvet lace
In black leather and boots
In a Gucci suit
It could be soft it could be hard
Secrets in the dark
It could be on a Sunday walk in the park

When I go
Do me the way you do me the way you do me the way you do me
The way you do

It could be when I’m angry
It could be when I’m hungry
It could be through the saddest tears
I could be sleeping
Wake up and believing that I’m a
Reborn Marquis de Sade
Or it could be because of love
But that’s not the only thing I’m thinking

Whatever faith you have
Whatever color of skin
Whatever sex you prefer
Whatever message you bring
You have to
Accept love


Publicerad: 2003-03-10 08:00:00