Tår(t)drypande ”Komma ut”-berättelse
En av de som valde det lite mer humoristiska sättet var 15-årige Laurel. Hon bakade en tårta med texten ”I’m Gay” till sina föräldrar. Bredvid tårtan låg det ett brev där hon skrev:
”Good morning parents.
I’m gay. I’ve wanted to tell you for a long time. I thought doing it this way would be a piece of cake. I hope you still love me. I mean, it’s hard not to love someone who baked you a cake.
All my friends know and still love me. Your acceptance would be the icing on the cake. I hope you, much like this cake, are not in tiers. I hope we can look back at this and say ”boy, this one really takes the cake.” It gets better. Love, Laurel. (Sorry for so many puns.)”
Laurel har efteråt sagt till attitude.co.uk att reaktionen hon fick från sina föräldrar var väldigt positiv, hon sa:
”My dad saw the cake and came into my room and hugged me and laughed. He said he loved me and the cake and the letter and everything was perfect.”
Hon fortsatte:
”My mum saw it and cried of happiness. We hugged and cried together. Then, we all ate the cake and talked. I am very lucky to have such supporting parents.”
Fantastisk ”Komma ut”-berättelse.
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Uppdaterad 2016-11-15
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